AllExhibition Of Graphics By Pavlo Makov At The Naked Room Gallery

Exhibition Of Graphics By Pavlo Makov At The Naked Room Gallery

Text by Annyris Oms

Photos by and by Olena Lysenko

Feb 8, 2020

The Naked Room at 21, Reitarska St. currently hosts Pavlo Makov exhibition ‘Forlorn’. Makov is the well-known Kharkiv-based, Ukrainian graphic artist, who mastered all printing techniques, but predominantly works with intaglio (one of the four major classes of printmaking techniques, when the ink forms the design from recessed areas of the plate). The winner and participant of many biennales and graphic art contests, Makov preserves the views that art is a language, as noted in one of his interviews: “Many know the language, but few can truly create something with it”.

Forlorn presents the collection of works produced in the 80s, when Makov experimented with the mediums and techniques, where pencil drawings are intertwined with etching, creating a series of “episodes” that comes into life and ends up in adding a complete picture. In all of his works Makov explores the dynamic of manmade objects and nature, the city and gardens, expressed in “short stories and novels”. Etching has a special meaning for the artist, he describes it as a trail in the snow you leave, the print engraved with everything you do. Even though the process of etching is apparent as well as human life, having the beginning and the end, the process of it remains a mystery of eventuality and pattern. Here, the material and technique are inseparable from the content.

see kyiv makhov naked room
see kyiv makhov naked room

Makov believes that art is not something that can change the world, it is a mixture of feelings and ideas, both produced by the dialog between artist and creation, and spectators and creation. ‘Forlorn’ gives you a look at something very familiar perceived as if you were drowsing and seeing dreams influenced by everyday events (the city’s complex infrastructure, the buildings, the shadows and figures, the flowers and their disproportion with other elements of the picture).

Don’t hesitate to experience this exhibition first-hand. Daily, from 11:00 am to 8:00 pm, The Naked Room is welcoming you until the end of the exhibition by 15.03.2020.